Queensland Government Office of Fair Trading Information
Summary of Incorporated Association Levels & Auditing Requirements
Table summarising classes of incorporated associations and auditing requirements. ​
Incorporated Associations
A guide to starting and operating an incorporated association in Queensland.
ACNC Information
ACNC Charity Size & Revenue Criteria
A summary of charity size, reporting requirements and whether a review or audit is required for ACNC. ​
ACNC Governance Standards Section 45B
Australian Charities and Not-for-profits Commission Regulation 2022 Subdivision 45-B - Governance Standards.
Keeping Your ACNC Information Up-to-date
Some guidelines about ensuring that your ACNC entity's profile is correct and current.
Lessons on Reporting to the ACNC
Information back from the Australian Charities and Not-for-Profits Commission on irregularities in reporting from entities.
Managing Conflicts of Interest - Guide for Charity Board Members
How Board Members can act in the best interest of the charity without personal interest conflicting with this responsibility.
Fraud - Protecting Your Organisation
BDO Not-for-Profit Fraud Survey 2014
Useful information to raise awareness of the type of fraud that exists within the NFP sector, how fraud occurs and how to manage the risks. ​
Protect Your Charity From Fraud - the ACNC's Guide to Fraud Prevention
ACNC information on some risks that charities can be vulnerable to, and practical steps to reduce and manage these risks.
The Fertile Ground of Fraud
The fraud triangle and areas to focus on to minimise the risks, particularly for small to medium sized businesses.
Internal Controls for NFP - CPA Guide
To help NFP organisations access their policies and procedures regarding internal controls.
Information for Governing Bodies (Committees and Boards)
Boardrooms That Work
A guide to board dynamics (An AICD publication). ​
Damn Good Advice - Institute of Community Directors
Twenty five questions a not-for-profit Treasurer needs to ask.
Forming a Finance - Audit Committee
How to form a Finance/Audit Committee to best manage the finances of a NFP organisation. ​
Good Governance Principles for NFP's
Good governance principles and guidance for Not-for-Profit organisations (An AICD publication).
Guide for Community Board Members - Westpac
A guide to being a constructive Board Member of a community group and not-for-profit organisation. ​
Guide for Community Financial Officers - Westpac
A guide to taking on the role with greater confidence and knowledge and to help Board Members understand what is required of a Treasurer.
Guide to Investing Money for Community Organisations - Westpac
A guide for Board Members on investment options, the risks involved and how to use this knowledge to increase your not-for-profit's funds .
NFP Audit Committee Guide
A guide to structuring and reviewing an Audit committee. ​
Privacy Act - Compliance Guide
Questions for a board to ask management regarding the organisation's compliance program on privacy policy and procedures.
Why Boards Micro-Manage
Advice on setting up procedures to allow the board to govern effectively.
Other Information
Issues to Consider When Developing a Policy for Managing Related Party Transactions in NFP Organisations
Governance Institute of Australia good governance guide for not-for-profit organisations - what is a related party, what is a related party transaction, conflicts of interest, process for managing related party transactions, reporting on related party transactions.
Disclosure of Interests Register
Recommended register to record related party and key management personnel relationships.